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Cruise Troubleshooting
Credit where it is due! Mr. Orin Eman was incredibly kind and sent
me photocopies of his 87 vintage manual pages which tell how to
troubleshoot the cruise control on his 5K. My goal was to solve my
cruise problem on my 1990 200.
Are you ready for this?????? The procedure was in Section 27,
"Electrical - Battery, Starter, Alternator". WHAT THE F***?
Not believing that Audi could be so dense (well, believing it but not
wanting to....) I turned to section 27 in my three-manual set, and
YUP. There it is. What in billy-be-j***ered is this doing here???
This is about the last place I would have ever looked!
I swear, I don't know who tries harder to screw us up - Audi or
Bentley. But if you need to figure out a cruise control problem,
look through section 27 in your Bentley and I bet it's in there.
PS: Orin was right - the trouble shooting procedures are *almost*
identical between the 85-87 and my 1990. The connector into the dash
is slightly different. I haven't compared the electrical procedure
sideby-side, but the vacuum checkout process is identical.
One note which may help 85-87 owners. In section 27.35 of your
manual, it says to check terminal *9* of the cruise control
connector. Of course, it says this right next to an illustration
which clearly shows that this connector ONLY has 8 terminals!!!!
In the 1990 manual, the referenced terminal is *8*. I'd bet that
terminal 8 is also the needed terminal for the procedure in the
earlier models.
Orin, my sincere thanks- both for the mailing and for steering me to
the right section. Next time someone says it's in their manual for
an earlier model, I'll ask what section first - and see if I can't
find it. I swear that I would NEVER have found this without your
Al Powell Voice: 409/845-2807
107 Reed McDonald Bldg. Fax: 409/862-1202
College Station, TX 77843 Email: a-powell1@tamu.edu
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Saunders' Slant: "If it's worth doing, it's worth hiring someone
who knows how to do it."