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Re: UI

-- [ From: human * EMC.Ver #2.5.02 ] --

>Well, now we are having to remind ourselves and our fellow Q-listers what
this disaster  was about.  >Not that we should forget, but I'd rather not
read any more about it--here  or in auto industry >publications.  

actually I think that trying to forget history is dangerous.  shouldn't this
list be one of the places (Audi dealers the other...) where the curious can
get the whole story? (archives?)

>For 5 years I had to explain to my unenlightened friends why I was driving
a killer car

lack of resale value leading to very affordable used cars? :-)  sorry that's
a cheap joke.  tens of thousands of owners lost that resale value money
virtually overnight.  so much for responsible journalism.  

tea and sympathy