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Re: Update on pollen filter

>Those of you contemplating fitting the pollen filter to older U.S. Audi
>models (not the A4, which has it standard) should be aware that the factory
>never recommended fitting the filter to cars with air conditioning.  It
>presents too much restriction to the air flow when dirty - the condition it
>is likely to be in after the "free maintenance" stops.

But changing the filter yourself is an easy job. As easy as changing your
own oil-easier, even. If the dealer doesn't, do it yourself! And you won't
charge yourself the earth either... Besides, it says on the box 'Suitable
for air conditioned cars'
The box also recommends changing the element every 9.4K miles.

1988 80 1.8S (Pollen filter installed, feelin' fresh!)
Lots o' 1:43 Audis (No pollen filters necessary)

   Tom W. Nas, graphic design                        tnas@dtpdirect.nl
   DTP Direct bv                              Voice +31 (55) 5 790 799
   Apeldoorn, the Netherlands                   Fax +31 (55) 5 790 125

Pianisten nemen altijd plaats achter de piano. Pianofabrikanten weten dat
en houden er ook rekening mee. Daarom zit het toetsenbord aan de achterkant.
Het is even zoeken, maar het went op den duur wel.

                    ---Herman Finkers "EHBO is mijn lust en mijn leven"