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Re: Clogged Kitty?

-- [ From: human * EMC.Ver #2.5.02 ] --

> 1)  After starting, the car has minimal acceleration (you depress the
> pedal and the car ocassionally stumbles, and accelerates very slowly).
> Once warm, this problem disappear.

re clogged kitty theory - been told it gets worse when warmer...
> 2)  Warm acceleration is not as good as it used to be.  I can be going up
> a slight incline, and it'll take several minutes for me to pass 50MPH -
> even with the pedal fully depressed.

Al asks: <Hey group, doesn't this sound like a possible clogged catalytic 
converter????  If no air gets out, no performance........>

#2 sure sounds like the way my coupe ran B4 I fixed cat.  another symptom -
water guage slightly high (over instead of under hash mark) oil temp
climbing, climbing up to 150 C, as if I was hitting it hard on the highway. 
No HP to speak of.  but my cat rattled as it fell apart so I should have
known better.