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Re: 'Lubin Bolts

In a message dated 96-10-03 13:43:37 EDT, you write:

<< Al Powell wrote:
 > ...I have started using Anti-sieze on my lug bolts....
 I've been doing that ever since I could't get one out
 of my (then) new 1983 GTI. It is a good idea.
After racing a couple of vw's you prolly can't put enough antiseize on the
threads to make a dangerous situation, tho, I always just made a practice of
retorquing wheels 3-4 times a year, never A.S.....  Coupla points to consider
here:  the argument was made that you are overtorquing the bolts if you use a
standard torque setting with A.S., that is a fact, torque is supposed to be
"dry" for the wheels.....  Your bolts wheels and hubs all use different medal
compounds all which expand and contract (read heat cycle) at different rates,
which could cause your bolts to back out of the rotor....  Sure woudn't want
to be the one to own up to that on the insurance liability inspection, or
when the wife sees the wheel pass the car one day....  I saw this phenomenon
at Waterford folks, the guy had gooped the lug bolts with A.S., and barely
wobbled the car into the pits before the wheels fell off, and most could be
finger tightened.....  Think hard before you do this, I haven't met a race
team that would consider it, and no car manufacturer recommends it that I
know of....

Very concerned 4U
