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You asked how you could get AM reception?

I assume you mean amplitude modulation?  AM as opposed to FM?

Most newer (all newer?) after market car stereos run their AM and FM antennae
through the same wire.  So- say you got a Sony head unit, when you hook it up
to your Audi's antenna lead, it will also receive AM.  THERE IS ONE CATCH!!

AUDI HAS POWER (AMPLIFIED) Antennae.  That means you also need to locate the
lead that powers your antennae (turns it on when the stereo is on) and attach
that to the head unit's "remote aplifier" lead or antenna lead if supplied.
 When you turn your head unit on, it will fire up the remote leads and turn
on any peripherals (such as the amplified audi antenna) that you may have
attached to the car!!  Your Audi's antenna will receive even if it is off,
but when it's juiced, you'll be surprised, especially with a good head unit.
 EVERYbody needs a good head unit....

Happy Wiring

Saam Gabbay

Did I mention how much I love this list?!?!?