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rack question

Um, and no, this question is *not* related to the previous set from
Victoria's Secret...;-)

On my '90 200T (nonQ), when I apply slight pressure to the steering wheel
at low to moderate speeds, I feel a ratcheting in either direction. Is this
my PS rack trying to make its way north to meet its maker or am I just
looking for someplace to make a sacrifice to the Audi Gods?

Or could it be something else? Nothing at all? That's my wife's diagnosis,
and she's *always* right.


Lee Levitt
Director, Business Development, Software.com - http://www.software.com
webmaster, NeedhamOnline - http://www.needhamonline.com
1990 Audi 200T, 75K
1988 Volvo 745T, 120K
1987 Wicked Fat Chance, 1981 Condor