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(no Audi Content)--but hilarious!!!

There following was in the October 7, 1996 issue of Auto Week, under "but wait, there's 
more".  I couldn't resist sharing with you!!!

Fuzz Buster (And Blower Upper) Dept.

So two speeder-hunting British coppers are stunned when their radar suddenly screams, 
gurgles, and freezes up, flashing a reading of more than 300mph.  Seconds later, mystery 
solved: A very low-flying Harrier jump jet buzzes over their heads.  Then the bobbies 
complain to the RAF about the radar and the damage done.  The RAF says, uh, sorry chaps, 
but it might have been worse:  The Harrier's target-seeker had locked onto the "enemy" 
radar and triggered an automatic retaliatory air-to-surface missile.  Alas, the jet was 
flying unarmed.  This time.

jazman  :)