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IU & Brakes
In message <3255B61F.76B5@netten.net> mike tipton writes:
> Audi's being German, fall under ECE regulations(UN Economical Commision
> in Geneva)
Id anything, the EC - which is largely headquartered in Brussels.
However - the dominant technical "sign-off" body in Germany is the TUV, which I
think is an abbreviation of "Techniches Ueberwachungs Verein". TUH in some
places. The EC has no such stringent body.
These guys get involved in every aspect of engineering life in Germany. German
cars are certified for all sorts of things - the maximum number of passengers,
tyre types, maximum speed, etc. If you change _anything_, it's off down to
your local TUV to get whatever you've done approved. Add 1bhp to the engine
power, and they'll want to see how you've improved the brakes, suspension, etc.
And the guys that go over your car, in such exceptional circumstances, really
know what they're doing. They're always graduate mechanical engineers and
sometimes have even higher quailifications, and they have some serious
Phil Payne
Committee Member, UK Audi [ur-]quattro Owners Club