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At 04:08 PM 10/4/96 -0400, you wrote:
>On Fri, 4 Oct 1996 SaamG@aol.com wrote:
>> Is there something called gear backlash that 1990 Coupes suffer from (noisy
>> but not dangerous) that the 1991's don't have because of their dual mass fly
>> wheels?
>What hose did you find on your 20V..? Mine NEVER passed the oil filler 
>cap test, but idles great and has no problems... 

About six months back, I tried the oil filler cap test, and the engine
died...tried it just last week, and it ran fine.  Spit out a little oil,
doesn't have the inside shield, but didn't skip a beat.  The only difference
was the oil filter, VW/Audi now, FRAM then.  Everything else was the same,
running Mobil 1.  What is your experience with oil filters on the 20v.  Is
it pretty much accepted that the Mahles are the best?


jstevens@kaiwan.com                      Orange County, California
johnstevens@ucsd.edu		              La Jolla, California
Multimedia Development Center                         619.534.1183
University of California at San Diego                       90Q20V