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update on the beast

Tranny is in as reported.  Bolted up the tranny mounts, starter, rear shaft, installed
slave, bled it, etc.  Only lingering problems are:

- right side axle is out, inner CVJ wont go down far enough on shaft to make
  circlip hold.  I think I've got it right now, but not 100% sure
  Also, the twin clips are not the right shape to hold the bolts together
  (those kidney shaped clips)  I don't want to have to call Linda again and
  tell her these boots are wrong :)

- left side shaft - still in car, I can't get the joint to clear the flange and
  bolt up.  My mechanic reassembled that joint, but it was very stiff.  I 
  wonder if as per a post recently, the joint was assembled wrong.

- broke the plastic lockout on the shift plate inside the car, so a used
  shifter assembly will be here via UPS tomorrow.

- A lister (who?) sent me a hall sender kit for my distributor, which looks
  fine except that the female connector does not match my male connector 
  on the car.  I will either find the right connector tomorrow or buy a new
  kit to match my connector.

Once I get the axles straightened out, exhaust bolted up, distributor reassembled
and misc nuts and bolts, we should be ready to roll.  I'll keep you 
posted.  If it wasn't for the busted dist. I would probably be tooling around
with RWD and no exhaust :)

| Dan |
Dan Simoes			          dans@ans.net
ANS 				http://coimbra.ans.net/dans.html
100 Clearbrook Road  			(914) 789-5378 (voice)
Elmsford, NY 10523			(914) 789-5310 (fax)