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Conserve bandwidth puleeeze


Re: Quattro-Digest V3 #1172

I guess the only Audi content in this post is that it's about the
list itself.
Clip out unnecessary text and sig lines, there's a lot of traffic on
this list 
already and replies that include a whole digest are just really

It's real easy to hit (click) "reply to message", type away and hit
"send". But 
in the interest of readability and bandwidth conservation, please
take a minute 
to edit your replies! I'm certain listmeister Dan has enough
line-traffic to 
deal with.

We don't need to re-read the whole history of a thread all the time;
that's what
archives are for. Just be a little more careful with the keyboard...
please? It 
would be a shame to have to wade through repeats of posts to find
what we need, 
as this list has some very good information.

Ok, the Valium's kicked in...I'll be alright now. :)

