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To Run or Not to Run...an oil hose question

Hi fellows!

At first I could not join the upcoming Q-run with the DC crowd 'coz my Mrs. will 
be having a birthday on the 12th.
Now I am not even sure if I'll join the Kan...run (still can't memorize that name) 
on the 19th. 

A couple of days ago I've noticed that my 200 started to lose oil. All area 
surrounding the oil cooler/hoses was wet.
I have ramped the car up in the air, washed everything with the Brake Cleaner 
Fluid and dried it well. Then I started the car, climbed under it and, OH HORRORS, 
that 20mm thick stainless steel braided hose, that supplies oil to the oil cooler, 
started to soak up with oil. It looked like... if one has fallen from a bycicle, 
dragged his arm on the asphalt for a coupla meters and then looked at it. At first 
- nothing, but then suddenly blood starts to show up slowly all over the surface.
Evidently, the internals of the hose have fatigued and cracked. 

I am currently attending a seminar in NJ, the daily commute approaches 100 mi. 
Lucky, me, I have managed to catch this literally explosive situation on time.
The 200Q is currently hanging in the air, all sad and miserable.

I called my local source, the Israely dude, who can get everything. He claims that 
it is a rare part and nobody stocks it since it "never goes bad".

Is that true? My fiche shows  3 different # within 1.5 model year. Did anyone have 
this problem? How expensive is it? 
Tomorrow I am going to surrender to the dealer. Ouch, the hose looks expensive.
Did anyone try Aeroquip to custom build it?
What is the removal procedure? One side has a nut with the notches - LH tread, 

Thanks in advance

Igor Kessel
the sweetheart: 200TQ, chipped and MOMO'd through out,
in Tornado "arrest-me-officer" Red;
the ex: 5000s, the EE's nightmare
Phila PA, USA