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Juice & Oil

> From: marriott@Summa4.COM

> 1. start the car, the alternator doesn't "come up." rev the engine once to 
> 1800 or better and the alternator comes up and stays up until you shut off 
> the car. has no trouble maintaining voltage under full electrical load 
> (once it's "initiated"). temp light flashes, batt and brake light are 
> illuminated.
> 2. start car, no alternator. shift into reverse (rev lights on), alternator 
> comes up (at idle this time) and idiot lights go out and stay out _while 
> still in reverse_. shift out of reverse, idiots come back on, alternator 
> stays up until car is shut off.
> any ideas? bad ground (where), bad diode (where), bad reg, 
> fuse/link/circuit breaker.

Bet it's a bad alternator...not generating enough juice to keep up 
with the engine at speed, but OK at idle.  Probably needs to be 
rebuilt...that's my vote for most likely.

> From: "Dupree, Robert A." <rdupree@sidley.com>

> I need to do a complete Oil and FIlter change on the '87 5kTQ,
> and I was wondering if someone could give me some info.
> I will be using Mobil 1 products where applicable.
> 1) What whould be a good winter weight, knowing that the car
>     only gets driven on the weekends.

15-50 would be dunky-dory.

> 2) Who makes the best, or best suited filter, and what part/
>     model number

Amsoil makes the best filter by light-years.  Don't have product lit. 
here to get number.  Call 800/777-8491 to get the address of aa 
dealer near you.  Expect to pay $7 +/- for the filter, and worth it!  
Buy two or three so you don't have to hassle this too often....

> 3) I need to change the transmition fluid, what type, how much
>     and any relevent instructions... (do not own Bently yet)

Use synthetic ATF.  Mobil 1 OK, Amsoil better.  Use weight 
recommended in manufacturer's owner manual.  If you are a newbie at 
this, you need to find out whether there's a filter to replace or 
screen to clean ; that requires dropping the whole tranny oil pan.  

> 4) Can this be done using ramps or are jack stands better
>     suiteed to the task?

Ramps, at least.  If you do the tranny, you'll need jack stands for 
more lift.
Al Powell                           Voice:  409/845-2807
107 Reed McDonald Bldg.             Fax:    409/862-1202
College Station, TX 77843           Email:  a-powell1@tamu.edu 
W3 page - http://agcomwww.tamu.edu/agcom/satellit/alpage.htm

Saunders' Slant: "If it's worth doing, it's worth hiring someone
 who knows how to do it."