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Re: Speed trap

>From i6941TB@gnn.com Wed Oct  9 19:45:28 1996
>I sed:
>>>The K-40 that I had in my FWD 5000s had two remote
>>>antennas. Was mounted behind the grill, looking forward. The second one -
>>>behind the plastic bumper cover, looking back. The display was wedgy shaped
>>>and was mounted in the dash, right in front of the speedo. BTW, that K-40
>>>was $800. (I bought mine for $25 used and broken, from some unfortunate
>>>soul. He got rearended, the bumper was history and the rear antenna
>>>developed a schitzophrenia because of the cracked PC board. I had to
>>>resolder those hair-thin tracks).
>Then Ed Spire asked:
>>I have not seen a review that included this unit in many, many years.
>>Is it still in production?  Where could I buy one?
>I have no idea. Having owned a Valentine1 for several years I have since forgotten 
>about the lesser radars, especially if they are also overpriced by 2.5 times.

This thread came from the fear that some future quattros may have a
windshield that reduces the effectiveness of modern radar detectors.
Somebody said you should use an external detector.  I replied that
you'd need an external detector with front and rear receivers to match
the valentine and bel, and they don't make them no more.  So then we
discussed the K40, which it turns out has the desired features but is
no longer in production.

So we're back where we started from.  End of thread, I hope.

== "When you believe in things you don't understand, then you suffer" ==
=============== Steveland Morris (a.k.a. Stevie Wonder) ================
Ed Spire                                  Voice: 847-781-6940 ext 6943
The Workstation Group                     Fax:   847-781-6973
1900 N. Roselle Road, Suite 408           Email: ets@wrkgrp.com
Schaumburg, Illinois  60195  USA          Web:   http://www.wrkgrp.com