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Technology Warning (little Audi content)

Sorry for the nun-Audi bandwidth but it is much better that we spend our
money on our Audi's than give it to scammers!  I saw this in my local
fishwrap also!
>******* SPECIAL ALERT *******
>SCAM: Don't Respond To Emails, Phone Calls, Or Pages Which
>Tell You To Call An "809" Phone Number
>This is a very important issue of Internet ScamBusters! because it
>alerts you to a scam that is: - spreading *extremely* quickly - can
>easily cost you $100 or more, and - is difficult to avoid unless you
>are aware of it. We'd like to thank Paul Bruemmer and Brian Stains
>for bringing this scam to our attention - both will receive Internet
>ScamBusters! tee shirts.  This scam has also been identified by the
>National Fraud Information Center and is costing victims a lot of
>There are lots of different permutations of this scam, but here is
>how it works:
>Permutation #1: Internet Based Phone Scam Via Email You receive an
>email, typically with a subject line of "*ALERT*" or "Unpaid
>account."  The message, which is being spammed across the net, says:
> ----------------------------------------------------------
>I am writing to give you a final 24hrs to settle your outstanding
>account. If I have not received the settlement in full, I will
>commence legal proceedings without further delay. If you would like
>to discuss this matter to avoid court action, call Mike Murray at
>Global Communications on +1 809 496 2700.
> ----------------------------------------------------------
>Permutation #2: Phone Or Pager Scam You receive a message on your
>answering machine or your pager which asks you to call a number
>beginning with area code 809.  The reason to you're asked to call
>varies: it can be  to receive information about a family member who
>has been ill, to tell you someone has been arrested, died, to let you
>know you have won a wonderful prize, etc.  In each case, you're told
>to call the 809 number right away.
>Since there are so many new area codes these days, people unknowingly
>return these calls.  If you call from the US, you will apparently be
>charged $25 per-minute!  Sometimes the person who answers the phone
>will speak broken English and pretend not to understand you.  Other
>times, you'll just get a long recorded message. The point is, they
>will try to keep you on the phone as long as possible to increase the
>charges.  Unfortunately, when you get your phone bill, you'll often
>be charged more than $100.00.
>Here's why it works:  The 809 area code is located in the British
>Virgin Islands (the Bahamas). The 809 area code can be used as a
>"pay-per-call" number, similar to 900 numbers in the US.  Since 809
>is not in the US, it is not covered by US regulations of 900 numbers,
>which require that you be notified and warned of charges and rates
>involved when you call a "pay-per-call" number. There is also no
>requirement that the company  provide a time period during which you
>may terminate the call without being charged. Further, whereas many
>US phones have 900 number blocking (to avoid these kinds of charges),
>900 number blocking will not prevent calls to the 809 area code.
>We recommend that no matter how you get the message, if you are asked
>to call a number with an 809 area code that you don't recognize,
>investigate further and/or disregard the message.  Be *very* wary of
>email or calls asking you to call an 809 area code number.
>It's important to prevent becoming a victim of this scam, since
>trying to fight the charges afterwards can become a real nightmare.
>That's because you did actually make the call.  If you complain, both
>our local phone company and your long distance carrier will not want
>to get involved and will most likely tell you that they are simply
>providing the billing for the foreign company.  You'll end up dealing
>with a foreign company that argues they have done nothing wrong.
>Please forward this entire issue of Internet ScamBusters! to your
>friends, family and colleaguesto help them become aware of this scam
>so they don't get ripped off.
>About Internet ScamBusters!
>Internet ScamBusters! is a free resource to
>benefit the commercial Internet community, published by Audri and
>Jim Lanford at NETrageous Inc.  Feel free to pass along the
>entire zine for non-commercial purposes - however, please do not
>remove the copyright notice.
>If you like Internet ScamBusters!, please forward it along
>or tell your friends where they can subscribe
>(email to scambusters@svr.com or at http://www.scambusters.com).
>We appreciate it!
>To UNSUBSCRIBE from Internet ScamBusters!, send an e-mail to:
>scambusters@svr.com and write "unsubscribe" in the subject field.
>To SUBSCRIBE to Internet ScamBusters!, send an e-mail to:
>scambusters@svr.com and write "subscribe" in the subject field.
>To receive a list of PAST ISSUES of Internet ScamBusters!, send an
>e-mail to: scambusters@svr.com and write ISSUE in the subject field.
>To COMMENT on Internet ScamBusters!, send an e-mail to:
>(Please do not send comments to this list by clicking reply.
>This is a one-way only mailing list.)
>We welcome your feedback.  Please send any questions, comments,
>stories about bad experiences, or  words of wisdom to help others NOT
>get ripped off  to comments@netrageous.com (anonymity guaranteed).
>The disclaimer located at http://www.scambusters.com/disclaimer.html
>applies to this zine.

				Alan Callery
				Intalco Aluminum Corp.
				PO Box 937
				Ferndale, WA 98248
				360-384-7564  fax 360-384-6185