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Re: Super Dave and vac leaks...

At 12:52 PM 10/11/96 -0400, Bryan Gunn wrote:
>Go to Wal-Mart or equvalent and spend $15 on a Mity-Vac. Then you can test
>each vacuum line individually and can track down leaks lickety-split. Plus
>it's a really usefull tool to have anyway.
>One of the best investments I've made.

until you find they've used crimp clamps and hidden the vacuum line
underneath the bracket holding the ISV, and oh yeah, to get to *that* line,
you probably have to remove the ones in front of it so you can get to the
itty-bitty screw clamp pointed straight down and otherwise inaccessible.
BTDT, just replaced the vacuum hose for the turbo bypass valve--what a
PITA--but the check engine light doesn't come on anymore :)

* linus toy           email:  linust@interramp.com                   *