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Re: dual filter trivia

*** Reply to note of 10/11/96 20:48                                             
Frank J. Bauer                                                                  
dassault systemes of America     email:fjbauer@dsavm.e-mail.com                 
Subject:  Re: dual filter trivia                                                
> ....  Frank, the 44q designation is correct the KG engine isn't, here         
> anyway....   For USof A, 86 44q (5000tq) had the following engine types:      
> 86 - MC - 2226 turbo - 1-85 thru 7-85 -dual filters Water cooled turbo        
> 86/87 - MC - 2226 turbo - 8-85 thru 9-86 - some early duals, very rare, water 
> cooled turbo                                                                  
> 87 thru 89.5  MC - 2226 turbo -  10-86 thru F44K-038-261 single knock, water  
> cooled turbo                                                                  
it's most definitely a 86/44q/KG/dual filter/water cooled/single knock          

> So, my proposal would be that depending on where audi "claimed" the year      
> change, you might get an 86 with dual filters....  Prolly a 8 or 9 1985 build 
> date as an 86 car (leftover parts syndrome)....                               
mine is an early (feb, if i remember correctly) 86 build date                   

> Or, you might have a grey                                                     
> market machine, then anything goes.....                                       
and it is a strange combination of 85 type 44(turbo) and 86 type 44q(turbo)     
(not to mention the add-ons during federalization)                              
