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RE: Fog light cracked

At 10:53 AM 10/14/96 -0700, you wrote:
Well, the whole plastic piece cracked and I took the plactic cover out. The
light works fine.  Just nothing on it to protect it. It would also look stupid.

>No help on your requests, but I somehow got a pinhole in the left fog
>lamp on my Volvo 242GT...about 10 years ago.  It still works fine and is
>just as bright as the right one.  Go figure.
>>From: 	grubster@megsinet.net[SMTP:grubster@megsinet.net]
>>Sent: 	Monday, October 14, 1996 9:43 AM
>>To: 	quattro@coimbra.ans.net
>>Subject: 	Fog light cracked
>>I have a front left fog light on my '88 80 quattro cracked. The light is in
>>perfect condition, but the plastic on the outside is gone.  Is there any way
>>I can get a new piece of plastic and just glue it on?? If not, does anyone
>>have a used left fog light?  I don' feel like waisting 60-80 bucks on a
>>practically useless light.