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Re: A4Q Stereo Wiring? (long)
ok, to answer your questions
the brown wire is ground
switched is exactly that...switched 12V power
main power is exactly that...constant 12V power
yes, the rear speakers are amplified, you'll find the amplifier on the left
rear speaker
i can't remember which wire is the dimmer switch for the radio (i used a
test light for this
all you need are the wires in the brown molex plug...ignore the other two
> From: Jay@aol.com
> To: quattro@coimbra.ans.net
> Subject: A4Q Stereo Wiring? (long)
> Date: Monday, October 14, 1996 10:10 PM
> Anyone who's installed their own stereo into a 96 A4Q:
> What the hell do all the little wires do???
> There's an incredibly cryptic diagram on the radio that looks like this
> (apologies to AOL users and other proportional-font readers - copy this
> NotePad).
> * Ground * Illum * S- Kont. * Mute
> * U(B) + * Switched * Main power * GA
> * / * * \ *
> LF Spkr RF Spkr
> * \ * * / *
> * AF-R * Switched * Clock | * Rem * Clock | * RF * RR
> | |
> * COM * Ground | * US * Data | * SW * COM
> | |
> * AF-L * U(B) + * Data | * ENA * AFE | * LF * LR
> Note: The U(B)+ is actually subscripted, as in:
> U +
> B
> I get most of them. Questions are..
> Top section: What is U(B)+? S-Kont? GA? I wrote "illum", but it's
> actually a picture of a sun. I presume that is the illumination signal.
> Middle: Duh.
> CD: I can probably completely ignore this since I'm not trying to feed
> an installed Audi CD player, yes?
> Option: Oy, am I lost here. I presume "Clock/Data" are some sort of
> bus carrying data among Audi components.. can I just ignore this whole
> section as well?
> Line out: Well, although this says "line out", there's SOMETHING here
> useful, because when you unplug this, the rear speakers go away. I don't
> have the Bose system. Is there really an external rear amplifier? What
> Com?
> There's also a spade lug on the chassis, with a brown wire. I presume
> they grounded chassis separately for some reason?
> Any help is appreciated. I've got a brand-new Sony XRC-900 begging to be
> installed.
> Jay