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Any luck with Jacket question?

In message <32632416.1814@teleport.com> "Gary G. Erickson" writes:

> Did you have any luck finding out about shipping the UK QC jacket to the
> US?  I don't want to bother you with this, so if you couldn't find any
> information, I'll just send a check for the amount plus twenty pounds.
> I think that should be enough (not that I've done any cross-atlantic
> shipping lately <grin>)

a) Roger is checking the shipping costs.  The extra for Europe (vs. UK)
   is only a few pence, and the Club eats it.  We don't know what the
   US charge would be, but if it's of the same order we'll eat that too.

b) Within Europe. we have to charge 17.5% sales tax.  If we can get
   exemption on this, the amount will be enough.

Bear with us - more information in a few days.

The next "batch" of jackets (the personalised ones) will be ordered on
25 October.  Binding orders before then will be personalised at no
extra charge.

 Phil Payne

 (phil@sievers.com, despite what the bounces say.  If I don't
  reply, your message is probably still stuck on a Demon punt.)

 Phone: +44 385302803  Fax: +44 1536723021  CIS: 100012,1660