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BTCC centre differential

In message <Marcel-1.08-1015203714-b49a*qQ@sparkg.wave.co.nz> Greg Spark writes:

> The recently run Aussie classic race meet at Bathurst had a SuperTouring 
> race with (I think) identical spec cars to the BTCC cars - incidentally 
> these cars have similarly dominated proceedings downunder too.

Yes.  The Aussie team might be "cloned" to provide a team for Japan.

> However after 4 of the 8 laps he obviously found his feet in
> the very difficult conditions and rapidly hauled in the Ovlov to finish
> 1 car length back - another lap or two and it would have been all over!!

This year's car has two large quadrant levers next to the gearshift.  
They're slightly different in terms of size, shape and colour.  The larger 
one (nearer to the driver) has a small control on the top - it reminded me 
of the collective pitch lever on a helicopter, although it was mounted 
vertically.  They weren't in the 1995 car that I sat in for a couple of hours 
last month. The separate front and rear suspension stiffness knobs have gone.

There is a _lot_ more telemetry - the whole floor of the car where the 
passenger seat should be is covered in cabling - the connectors to what I 
assume to be an A/D and multiplexor unit are 2" in diameter, and there are two 
of them.

 Phil Payne 
 Committee Member, UK Audi [ur-]quattro Owners Club