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In message <c=US%a=_%p=CHARTER%l=FREEDOM-961011044505Z-2536@freedom.charter.com> "Duff, Ian" writes:
> Not sure if their tour is the correct venue, but where and how does one
> get info on what parts Audi Sport has? Audi Sport in Germany politely
> dusted me off, Jo Hopen in Florida is completely unresponsive unless you
> have both an S6 and a zero impedance checkbook (no resistance to
> spending, for those technically challenged). I'm frustrated. They must
> have some cool bits for my CQ, but no-one's talking.
Audi Sport will _not_ deal with outsiders. Time and again on the
tour, the motto was: "We'll only do it if we can do it right."
They were asked about supporting privateers, and the answer was a very
firm: "No".
Phil Payne
(phil@sievers.com, despite what the bounces say. If I don't
reply, your message is probably still stuck on a Demon punt.)
Phone: +44 385302803 Fax: +44 1536723021 CIS: 100012,1660