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RE: quattro-digest V3 #1209

On 15 October 1996 11:43, (Phil Payne) quk@sievers.com wrote:
>In message <199610150849.IAA181189@smtp-gw01.ny.us.ibm.net> "Hans-Juergen Schneider" writes:
>> Did you get any comments regarding the very likely
>> ban of AWD in class 2 racing ???
>Yes.  Audi appear to be supported by the FIA, who have told other companies 
>that - if AWD is so good - they should long ago have developed their own 
>systems.  Audi's position is helped by the "engine problem" - they are not 
>permitted to run the actual head being shipped to customers, because it's a 
>five-valve per head design and all the other manufacturers have complained that 
>this would give Audi too large an advantage (ca. 10 to 15 bhp).
>So Audi's negotiating position is that they are _already_ being forced to run 
>technology they abandoned three years ago in the consumer market.  Being forced 
>to abandon AWD would just push the technology further back.  At the end of the 
>day, one of the objectives of touring car racing is to _advance_ technology, 
>not retard it.
>However - all the other teams represent a powerful combined front.
>Just in case, there _is_ a 2-wheel drive car in development.  It does _not_ 
>form part of any current plans.  
To add to what Phil wrote and to prove that I was indeed awake, Audi Sport UK
commented that Mitsubishi and Subaru are making noises about joining a TOCA
based series, and no prizes for guessing which cars.  Firm entries will follow in
the next few months, however the implication was that the entries will only be in
AWD cars.  The current guess is that the FIA are unlikely to ban AWD in order to
increase the level of manufacturer participation.

There are 2 FWD A4's in full race trim ready to go at Ingolstadt; as a third car
entry in TOCA series is free next year, Audi are considering running a FWD car
as the third car in the UK, this should be interesting if it comes off:-)

Audi highlighted the problem of the 5 valve head and that the engine only had two
more years during which the 16v head could be homologated for TOCA.  If the 5v
head problem is not resolved, they may have to develop the V6 for the track, no
tears there then!

The two levers you mentioned later were for the F/R adjustable anti-roll bars.


Nigel Banks
NBanks@MerlinFalcon.co.uk	Tel: (+44) 1628 771772
Merlin Falcon Ltd		Fax: (+44) 1628 771779

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