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Re: WD-40

-- [ From: human * EMC.Ver #2.5.02 ] --

  It seems most O-ring chain manufacturers recommend only WD for chain
cleaning AND lubrication, nothing else....  So, not sure of your poor
lubricant argument....


Snap On dealer once told me NOT to use WD40 to lube air powered tools - I
guess there's not enough lubricant there.  The WD40 just cleans out any
previous lubricants and leaves behind whatever grit was there on dry
bearings.  But that's a specialised application.  The only reason I wouldn't
want to spray it all over my engine compartment is that there _is_ residue -
kinda messy, really.  I shoot lithium spray at the moving works (throttle
etc) and try to keep the rest clean.
