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aspeer@mail.utexas.edu (Andrew J. Speer) said:

[el snippo grande]

> I think what needs clarifying is that it is unlikely prices for the current
> Passat will carry over to the new one.  If I understand herr Piech, he
> intends to move VW upmarket, with Audi also taking a step up.  All the Audi
> technology you will see on the new Passat will carry a price tag, it's just
> that many things that are optional on a Passat now come standard on the A4.
> I know this is blashemy but it is kind of like the loaded-up Honda vs.
> standard Acura argument (with the all important distinction that Audis and
> VWs are designed and built separately, whereas Hondas and Acuras are
> essentially interchangeable).

Andrew - you're a good guy, no reflection on you, as you're reporting 
what you hear...................but............................

OH good.  (gawd).  OH great.  (heavens).  JUST what Audi needs.  
Didn't they JUST get a toe-hold established in the US by REDUCING 
prices?  Didn't they note Mazda DROPPING their plan for a premium car 
division because the market was saturated??????????????????

SAY IT AIN'T SO!!!!  The last thing in the WORLD VW/Audi need to do 
in the US is try to move "upmarket".  It will be their death-knell in 
this country.  


Al Powell                        Voice:  409/845-2807
107 Reed McDonald Bldg.          Fax:    409/862-1202
College Station, TX 77843      

Saunders' Slant: "If it's worth doing, it's worth hiring someone
 who knows how to do it."