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We Need Your HELP!!!

In message <v02110115ae8c6aa1669e@[]> raf40@oes.amdahl.com (Richard Funnell) writes:

> >Dear Sir:
> >Please do not use this list for soliciting funds. This intent of this list
> >is for the exchange of information for Audi Quattro enthusiasts, not for
> >beggars who are more interested is getting charity
> This must surely rank as one of the most insensitive, rude replies I've
> ever had the misfortune to read on this list.  I agree that this list isn't
> intended for this purpose, but I see no need to say so in such an insulting
> manner.

Within the context of this list, perhaps.

Within the general context of such responses on the Internet in general, it is 
a model of politeness and an example to all.

 Phil Payne
 Committee Member, UK Audi [ur-]quattro Owners Club