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Re: Antifreeze question

Preston wrote:

>My girlfriend was driving my 86 5KCST today, and the coolant level light
>came on.  Not knowing better, she topped up the antifreeze reservoir with
>'Peak', which I believe has phospates in it, correct?  She only used about
>a 1/4 of the bottle, but... should we have the coolant system drained and
>refilled with phosphate free stuff?  What danger am I in if I don't (i.e.
>hole in radiator in 6 months, etc...)

If I were you, I'd use "Preston" brand just for the sake of loyalty ;-)
I once bought a 7-melody watch 'koz the name of the manufacturer was "Kessel",
just couldn't resist the temptation.

On a serious note: I've been using the cheapest antifreezes on my WV/Audis, year 
after year. No dire consequences so far. Granted, you flush the sys once in 2 
years, 'koz otherwise the corrozion inhibiters start to lose their qualities.
They all have the same Ethylene Glycole anyway (except the Phosphate free ones), I 
even suspect, that they all come from the same "barrel" (refinery).

Stay away from Meca, it is combastible. I once saw a burned UrQ, that had a 
coolant spill (Chris Sanborn's).

Igor Kessel, Phila PA, USA
"Why would anyone in the right state of mind buy just a car,
when the mankind has invented a QUATTRO!"