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Coupe front end noises

Hi gang!
Lately my 1982 Coupe developed a strange front end noise and 
vibration.  If you've ever heard a failing valve lifter, picture the 
same noise comming from the passanger side foot well.  That noise is 
also road speed dependent (not on engine r.p.m.).  It only occurs at 
highway speeds and when the power is on or off (not when in neutral). 
At the same time lately there is also a vibration that can be felt 
through the shifter that comes with the noise.  Another puzzle is that 
when brakes are applied over 80 km/h there is a vibration in the steering
wheel (not the brake pedal).  I have ballanced all 4 wheels and none of them 
are out of round.  Since I am in the middle of school year I can nat afford 
to tear the car apart looking for these problems.  Did I mention that 
school sucks.  I don't know if the steering vibration when on the 
brakes has anything to do with the noise.  O yeah the noise comes and 
goes when it wants.  Sometimes I can go for weeks without hearing it.
The steering vibration coused by braking is there all the time.  
The car has 10.1' front rotors from a 16v scirroco and rear discs 
from a GTI.  Tires are Yoko A509's.


1982 Coupe
1984 4kq