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Good Morning Folks,
Before I run down the event, I just wanted to say that I'm glad we had
good weather. Besides the opportunity to thrash our cars in the company
of some great people, I think we would all agree that the chats and such
at the various stops made it a really nice day...and to learn more about
our cars too.
Some folks couldn't make it because of conflicts, but I'm glad we did it
in good weather. I'd suggest we always have a contingency rain date in
the future. It all seemed to work pretty good this time. For those that
couldn't make it...we missed you.
I just wanted to follow up on our outing on Saturday and let everybody
know what a great time we had (at least, I hope so). Here's the list of
who made it up to the hills of New Hampshire:
Andrew Duane 89 100Q
Glenn Lawton 83 UrQ
Paul Royal 90 Q20v
Osman Parvez 89 200Q
Jim McElroy 93 90s
Mike Bradley 96 A4
(and ??? Sorry)
"Shef" Corey 87 5KCSQ
Jim Marriot 87 4KCSQ
Rich Thomas 83 UrQ
Stott Hare 87 4KCSQ
Chris Semple 83 TQC
Bob Davis 97?Golf VR6
Rich Davis ???
Chris ???
Mike ????
I know that I may be missing a couple of people and I apologize right off
the bat, but my memory is failing me this AM...I think we had 14-15 cars
(two of which I don't remember exactly and don't want to upset with wrong
info so they're marked with ????)
We all met at the liquor store in Hooksett, NH and managed to be on our
way to the Kanc entrance by about 10:20 (despite some concern about the
whereabouts of Igor, Ian, Glen Powell, Dan Simoes, and Huw Powell.....we
missed you guys...see you next time). We all re-grouped again about an
hour up the road at the golden parabolas and found Osman waiting for us.
A hearty Italian lunch was enjoyed at Elvio's restaurant and there was
much laughter and commiserating to be heard among the tables filled with
the Audi crowd (despite the fact that one of the waiters really didn't
want Chris to have his lunch).
After lunch we headed out into the cold and windy (but partially sunny)
western slopes of the White Mountains and stopped a few times while
tearing up pavement whenever we could get by some straggling tourists in
every description of SUV, mini-van, and Chevey Lumina et al.
Onto Bear Notch road we drove (we're not driving fast, we're flying low)
and took over yet another rest area with a plethora of German hardware
(this one was particularly amusing as the rest area originally contained
three pick-ups with hunter orange bedecked, beer drinking deer
driver/hunters who got out of there faster than sh*t through a goose when
we showed up).
Off over Bear Notch Road we went and re-grouped one last time before
heading over West Side Road towards the Cathedral Ledge area where most
of the group bid a fond adieu.....this was (of course) after some number
among us decided to make another "quick" run over Bear Notch just for
good measure.
Down to six cars from Cathedral Ledge we decided to make a "spirited" run
down the length of Route 153 from Conway to East Wakefield where the
remaining four shared a pitcher of Sam's Octoberfest and agreed that a
good time was had by all.
Heard on the trip:
"That road is taking my dash apart"
"Where's Huw? I wanna meet that guy"
"Uh, Oh, Duane's got the cat whacker out"
"A corner is not a good place to park a pick-up sideways"
"I hope someone here has a radar detector"
"Don't quit smoking Royal, you'll be killed in a car crash"
"I'm Chris" "Yeah right, now who ordered this" "I did" "Yeah, right" "No,
really, I'm Chris"
"Did we lose someone??"
"You, know, that time you passed me doin' 100, I saw smoke"
"I love my heated seats"
"Boy, is my wife gonna be mad"
"I'm just breaking her in"
At any rate.....I had a great time...nobody got arrested...the law took a
holiday...and it was nice to meet all the men and women who hold "Q's"
Anybody up for a winter run??
Paul Royal
90 90Q20v
87 5Ks (Death be not proud)
67 SS/RS 350 Camaro (Capri Cream, Power Slide, Loaded, Slow)
90 Suzuki VX800 (Wear a Helmet)