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re: buying 90q20v
$12k does seem a little high for a 1990,
but not terribly (have you checked comps?).
On the other hand, 61k is low for that car
(my 1991 has 100k+ and I still think of it
as my "new" car)
The AC you refer to doesn't only look
GM-designed. IT IS GM designed, I understand.
The surge/miss/whatever is the AC clutch
kicking in and out. Quite annoying, but inherent
to the car. At some speeds on hot days it makes
my car feel like its shimmying. Nice feature, eh?
Check the exhaust and CAT - they're both
horribly expensive on the 20v (like $850 for
the cat and about $900+ for the exhaust!!!)
They're made out of a unique kind of stainless
steel that rusts, hense the cost.