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Wheel bearings - fix now.
-- [ From: human * EMC.Ver #2.5.02 ] --
I cut right through the 1" thick drive axle of my F250 because the bearing
had gone dry (lubed by differential oil) or bad. The wheel wound up held on
by the brake drum only, at 50 mph in a snowstorm - more stupid human tricks.
I paid $450.00 to have this fixed - that is just the labor to clean out the
axle housing and some brake parts, ignoring the parts truck I bought to get
the axle, bus rides, towing, rental cars, meals, gratuities and bribes.
IMHO fix bad wheel bearing immediately. It isn't a "drive on it for a
while" type problem. Poor starting, power windows, these can wait. I think
the stuff that holds the wheels on is more important.
Huw Powell
82ish Coupe
73 F250
various lawn ornaments (might be a redneck)
HUMAN Speakers
7 Kelsey Road
Lee NH 03824