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Re: S4 Flooding...(with water??)

In a message dated 96-10-21 17:59:38 EDT, you write:

>Hi Dorab,
>	If it make you feel any better, and it shouldn't, three times this year
>after heavy rains as I brake at the end of my driveway, a torrent of water
>rushes out the left side of my sunroof opening(closed) and goes right down
>back of my neck...a real waker upper:-{ But it doesn't do it with every bad
>rain... just the ocassional soaker...go figure??
>				Happy motoring,
>						Shef
>P.S. I'm gonna start keepin' shampoo in the glovebox:-)

I guess we're going to keep Audi to the word on their 10 year rust-through
warranty, huh?   :-)   (As if they would even honor it...)

Dorab (nivi@aol.com)