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Re: interior lights on A4

On Oct 21, 11:22pm, frontstage wrote:
> Subject: interior lights on A4
> i've got a problem...it goes like this:
> when you open the door the dome light comes on and then goes out
> after a while like it's supposed to...
> when you open the door and get in and turn the ignition key the
> light is supposed to go out...it stays on for a while...
> i've completely redone the stereo but i don't see how i could
> have done anything to the dome light wires, i was nowhere near
> them...

Hmmm... Actually, Kevin, you probably were, in a sense.  The
stock radio turns itself off when you remove the key from the
ignition; thus, there must be a signal that tells the radio whether
the key is in the ignition or not.  Likewise, the radio will turn
itself back on when you put the key in the ignition and start the
car, thus, a signal that tells the radio that the car is running.
These sound like things that could potentially also be driving
the dome light on/off decision.  Since your aftermarket radio
doesn't use them, they don't matter directly in the installation
of your stereo, but you certainly could have inadvertedly done
something to one of them ("them" could very well just be one
wire, I don't know how Audi does this, but it's definite that
*something* tells the stock radio about the state of the

Just a guess, but I'd re-examine what you did at the radio
harness.  And if you do figure it out, please let us know!

Dan Masi
'96 A4Q