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RE: A4Q Brakes

I have a 92' 100 V6 with the same problem but I got used to it, my has 
the BBS mesh style wheels, imagine cleaning them ;) My current 
92' 100 V6 probably has similar pads like your A4 i.e. Textar 
semi-metallic. I bought the car used at 23,500 miles a year ago the pads has 
50% left when they did the pre-purchase inspection on it. The last 
owner, a woman, she was very gentle with her car. I replaced both pads and 
rotors(front and rear) at 33,000 miles, the pads were down to 10-15%(worn 
brake pads warning light came on) but I drove it for another 1,000 miles 
before I got a brake job.

I think the OEM pads are pretty good quality, never fade on me despite 
the horrific amount of dust. I ended up buying all OEM stuffs for the 
brake job because I got really good price from Carlsen Audi. 

Anthony Chan, First Hill, Seattle, WA, USA.
92' 100 V6 Tornado Red. 

On Tue, 22 Oct 1996, Peter Henriksen wrote:

> Date: Tue, 22 Oct 1996 15:00:02 -0700
> From: Peter Henriksen <peterhe@microsoft.com>
> To: "'drobbins@net2net.com'" <drobbins@net2net.com>,
>     "'mel_winokur@Merck.Com'" <mel_winokur@Merck.Com>
> Cc: "'quattro@coimbra.ans.net'" <quattro@coimbra.ans.net>
> Subject: RE: A4Q Brakes
> They last until you get tired of cleaning your wheels :-)
> Seriously, to me it would be worth it to just get rid of them,
> especially if you have already lived with them for several thousand
> miles and it still bugs you. In my case, there are no aftermarket pads -
> that I've been able to find - for my 91 200qw (UFO brakes), so I'm stuck
> with stock or retrofitting the regular 200 brakes at a cost of about
> $1,500 (incl. rotors, pads, lines and a substantial part of the front
> suspension). I have considered it...
> - peter, peterhe@microsoft.com, issaquah, wa, usa
>   91 200qw
>   94 acura legend gs
>   80 mazda 626
> >-----Original Message-----
> >From:	drobbins@net2net.com [SMTP:drobbins@net2net.com]
> >Sent:	Tuesday, October 22, 1996 12:40 PM
> >To:	mel_winokur@Merck.Com
> >Cc:	quattro@coimbra.ans.net
> >Subject:	Re: A4Q Brakes
> >
> >
> >At 09:44 AM 10/17/96 -0400, Mel Winokur wrote:
> >>
> >>        Reply to:   RE>>A4Q Brakes
> >>much thanks-please advise as to any intelligent comments-my dealer at 7500
> >>stated due to newer style i.e. non-asbestos brake linings-
> >
> >My dealer just told me basically the same.  The squeeling and the masive
> >amounts of brake dust are the result of semi-metalic pads which are more
> >durable but do squeel and are very dusty...  So I guess the question
> >becomes:  How long do they last so we can all swap them for something else?
> >
> >-DMR.
> >