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Darwin Awards contender (non-Audi)
Hi y'all, and sorry to write a non-Audi message, but it's just a little
light amusement. Last month, one guy in Amsterdam did his best to contend
for the annual Darwin Awards by opening the gas of his furnace for a
suicide attempt, and then using his cigarette lighter for a look-see. Blew
out the entire block, flattened a couple of parked cars (one Opel was about
a foot high after the incident) and broke all the windows in the entire
street. He was mostly OK himself, when they dug him up from under the
rubble. He was released from hospital (burns unit) after a week.
Howzabout that for stupidity? He's not a finalist because the attempt
failed, but the amount of damage done makes him a serious contender :-)
Luckily, no Audis were damaged in this accident (oblig. Audi content)
1988 80 1.8S
PS How do I check the condition of my timing belt? The dealer claimed he
changed it when I bought the car, but I don't really trust him...
Tom W. Nas, graphic design tnas@dtpdirect.nl
DTP Direct bv Voice +31 (55) 5 790 799
Apeldoorn, the Netherlands Fax +31 (55) 5 790 125
I think animal testing is a terrible idea;
they get all nervous and give the wrong answers.
--'A Bit of Fry and Laurie'