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Re: A4 Duo, misc.

k.Ben wrote:

> I see an interesting Audi from Complete Car Mag. Audi plan to
>introduce A4 Avant Duo in 1998.

Yes, I've read the same thing (and posted to the list about it). The latest
is that this car is seen as environmentally UNfriendly, because the higher
weight gives it a higher fuel consumption, and remote emissions for the
electric operation must be taken into account.

A quick sum made the Dutch AutoWeek conclude that the power consumption,
when recharged in cheap rate hours, works out at EXACTLY the same cost as
running regular unleaded would. Hmmm....

They concluded that this was a nice idea, and probably good for Audi's
image, but quite useless as a vehicle.

1988 80 1.8S

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   Tom W. Nas, graphic design                        tnas@dtpdirect.nl
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             I think animal testing is a terrible idea;
             they get all nervous and give the wrong answers.
                                 --'A Bit of Fry and Laurie'