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Fw: Rally pics of quattros

Really worried, thought Dan had split me off to a list of one -
and I couldn't even talk to myself :-)

Anyway I'm reposting this since I'm sure it got fouled up in the
wire clog somewhere.

> From: Bruce Bell <bbell@csn.net>
> To: Quattro list <quattro@coimbra.ans.net>
> Subject: Re: Rally pics of quattros
> Date: Wednesday, October 23, 1996 5:06 PM
> Several days ago I put some GIF files in my ftp are for anyone
who cares. 
> If any one has, or is planning on putting any of these up on a
web page,
> would you let me and the rest of the list know. Also please
give photo
> credits to Gary Kretschmer. He  was kind enough to loan
(trust) me with his
> valuable prints for this purpose.
> BTW you really need to see the crazy paint job on the Ur-q.
> > These Include a foto of the Sprongle S2; Buffum fueling his
S2; the
> inside
> > of Buffum's Van showing tools, spare parts and a partially
hidden 6 pack
> of
> > Bud. And last; but, not least one of the caziest looking
paint jobs I've
> > ever seen on a rally Ur-Q. Oh yes , and the Libra S2.
> > 
> > If any one wants to put these up on a web page, or get a
copy they are on
> > my ftp site at <ftp://ftp.csn.net/bbell-assoc/> 
> > 
> I corrected the above address so it should work fine this
> Bruce