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100 Avant q - black tinted rear lights (Treser?)

From:	John Haygarth, 101461,1275
TO:	quattro list, INTERNET:quattro@coimbra.ans.net
DATE:	24/10/96 01:05

RE:	 100 Avant q - black tinted rear lights (Treser?)

My 1986 Audi 100 Avant Quattro is fitted with black tinted rear lights and
number plate surround panel. (These are the real thing - not out of a spray can)
Audi UK say these were never fitted or available for the car and must be after
market items.
So I removed the cracked nearside rear light cluster to look for a name or part
no. and found Treser T4 9003 at the top and 145 B24 at the bottom.
Can anyone tell me where I can contact Treser to find out if these are still

John Haygarth
1984 ur-q
1986 100 Avant q
1977 Opel Kadett Coupe GT/E