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Re: Can't bleed the clutch...Please Help.

> Justin,
> I just had a similar problem on by 86 5KCSTQ. I replaced the brake
> master cylinder and thought it was an appropriate time to flush the
> clutch system's fluid as well.
> I pressure bleed the clutch and thought it still had air in it after a
> day of driving. I also noticed a puddle under the car where the
> transmission is, also.
****text removed****
> Make sure you pressure bleed the clutch. I used about 5 psi. I've seen
> other references to this amount of pressure on the list, so this must be
> OK. If the slave cylinder is out of the transmission, you might be able
****text removed****
> Hope something helps here.
> Michael Eck
> 86 5KCSTQ
> 88 GTI 16V


The bentley specifies 36 psi FOR THE '87 4kcsq. ymmv. I used 20 psi and it 
worked fine (read fast). If you have the same screw-on cap like my car, you 
can make your own pressure bleeder quite easily. Get another cap from a 
yard, remove the "dipstick" warning assembly. A 3/8" pipe bushing will 
screw right in, allowing you to fit the (usually) 1/4" air connector in. 
Just make sure you don't get carried away and run the reservior dry. :-(  
(btdt, that's a mistake you only make once, especially when you're bleeding 
by foot and it happens on the left front . . .)
