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Re: Any suggestions for my '89 Audi90???

Hairy green toads from Mars made Elizabeth Monacelli say:

> Hello!
> This is the 1st time I am posting a message.  I love your group!  
> Anyway, now to me dillema!  
> In June '96, I purchased a 1989 Audi90, for $6,300, with 51,000 miles on
> it. 

(long tale of tampered odometer trimmed)

>   I guess my question to you all, is this!  Should I keep the car or
> should I get ALL of my money back from the dealer, since the police is
> currently working on the case?  I am REALLY torn with a desicion,
> because of the following reasons:
> This would NOT be my main car, so I wouldn't drive it around a whole
> lot. So far I have had to fix the following: oil leak, transmission leak,
> brakes, oil pan, new windsheild, crank case hose, power steering hose. 
> The mechanic said the engine seems to be in good condition, and the
> battery and other misc. things are all in running order.
> I have never had an old car like this.  So in all your opinions, once I
> replace things that need to be replaced, and keep the maintance up,
> shouldn't I be O.K.??

Normally, this kind of mileage isn't bad at all. My '89 100Q has
about the same mileage on it now.

HOWEVER: if the odometer was tampered with (which is a felony), they
were trying to hide the true mileage. Who knows what else they are
trying to hide? I wouldn't touch this car, and I certainly would never
allow such a dealer to see one red cent of my money!

RUN, do not walk, to the police. Demand every cent of your money back
immediately. If they hesitate for even one second, inform them that
you will be back with the police THAT DAY and that the matter will be
turned over to the state's Attorney General. Odometer tampering is
criminal fraud, and is not highly looked upon anywhere.


Andrew L. Duane (JOT-7)			duane@zk3.dec.com
Digital Equipment Corporation		(603)-881-1294
110 Spit Brook Road
M/S ZKO3-3/U14
Nashua, NH    03062-2698

Only my cat shares my opinions, and she only tampers with the dog.