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RE: 1.8T A4 performance
I have no numbers, but only a second-hand account of someone who drove
one for a good 40 miles last week. The reporter for some porsche
magazine was one of the lucky press people who got to go for flings in
the A8's and A4 1.8t's from university audi in Seattle. He stopped by
PIR with his A8 and took it out on the track (and did extremely well
with it, conisdering how wet it was and the A8 was only the 3.7L fwd). I
asked him if he had gotten to take out one of the A41.8t's and he said
yes, he drove it from seattle out towards snoqualmie(sp) falls (the
twin-peaks falls, fyi) and he and the passenger were so impressed by the
engine that they didnt believe that they were driving an unmodified
1.8t, so they pulled over and poped the hood. Sure enought, just the
little 1.8L 4 in the bay. I asked him where the boost kicked in, and he
said "extremely low, I think its well under 2k rpm that you really feel
it start to pull". I cant wait to take a ride in a manual 1.8t... now
that I'm very comfortable with the way the 2.8 responds I really want to
feel the differences. Hopefully the wont make me too jealous :-)
>From: John Paximadis[SMTP:john.paximadis@worldnet.att.net]
>Sent: Friday, October 25, 1996 8:15 AM
>To: quattro@coimbra.ans.net
>Subject: 1.8T A4 performance
>Does anyone have any info on the performance
>of the 1.8 Turbo A4 _5 speed_. I am looking for
>0-60 & 0-100 mph times, but kph is okay too.
>Since such times seem to vary with the information
>source, could you provide the 2.8 v6 (5 speed)
>times also, so I have a baseline for comparison.
>Thanks in advance,
>John Paximadis
>'87 4000 CSQ