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Re: Uni-bombing
In a message dated 96-10-26 13:06:54 EDT, you write:
<< Just dug out my bomb I had in storage to prep the baby for installation in
my 87 5000s. Looked at the bomb to discover there are 2 yellow plugs on the
side of the body!
I thought the bomb for my 2.2 equipped non-T non-Q was only supposed to
have 1 high pressure fitting on the side of the bomb stem.
Do I have a Hi/Low line inputs? Guess I'll find out when the car gets
jacked up and put on jackstands. Couldn't see a damn thing with the airdam
in the way. Maybe I just have a swell head.
But at least I can re-install the old bomb with fresh aluminum washers.
Dealer did give me 2 washers. So I must have high/low inputs for this
thing. I reassure myself . . .
You have a banjo fitting for the feed from the pump (17mm - bottom), a brake
line fitting to the MC (11mm - side)... The rear has the hydraulic resevoir
hookup (bottom of the fluid resevoir.... the 2 washers are for the banjo
bolt on the bottom.... The 11mm is a flange brake line fit.... Total time
for switch = 1/2 hour.... The rear is a hose clamp for the HR feed, then a
pull, don't forget to get something to catch the pentosin (other than your
sleeve), resevoir will drain completely..... You need to just loosen the
front 10mm nut, then the bomb should slide nose towards passenger side of
car.... You need to swap the rubber nose cone and the rear vibration collar
prior to RR install.... It will take some time for the pump to refill the
bomb to proper pressure, usually a good 5 minutes or so....