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re:Torque settings/probs?
Daniel Hussey sed:
> I have been having problems properly torquing small bolts and have ove
>rtorqued things a few times. I have been using a rather large Craftsman torque
>wrench. It seems to work well for bigger things like lug nuts, but it doesn't
>seem to work well on the smaller objects. I broke one of my caliper guide pin
>bolts when it failed to tell me when to stop turning it. Classic overtorquing.
>I was just wondering what y'all use for these smaller things? Are there smalle
>r or more precise torque wrenches out there, or am I just not being careful eno
>ugh? Any advice appreciated. Maybee it's just me. I dunno.
Torque wrenches are designed to be most accurate from 25% to 75% of their
highest reading. Settings beyond these levels, particularly at the low end,
will be more inaccurate. Torque wrenches come in a dizzying arrray of
ranges and types. I personally use a 0-125lb "clicker" type for most tasks,
but also use a 0-25lb dial type for those lower values. Important note:
Clicker type wrenches should be released to the zero setting for storage
between uses. Dial types benefit from "exercise" prior to use, eg. using
the wrench on a fixed bolt (in vise, etc) through at least half range
several (4-8) times before actual torquing use.
> Well, I was planning on pulling off my valve cover and timming belt cov
>ers and repainting them, but I have been putting this off because of this. I h
>ave a new valve cover gasket but I just don't want to have any problems with pr
>operly torquing down the valve cover bolts. I know it is important for them to
>be properly torqued down, and I really can't just guess here, like I have been
>doing a lot. Also, how hard is it to get the valve cover off? Do I have to ta
>ke a lot off the get it out, or can I get around a lot of the stuff there?
Ummm, having said all of that, the last time I took the valve cover off my
I5, to replace the gasket with one of the cool rubber ones, I didn't have
the 0-25 around, so I evenly torqued the bolts to a completely arbitrary
level that felt like enough, by hand. No leaks yet...
QCUSA #1765
Member #47 NW Region AQC