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bose sux

> unka bart sez:                                                                
> >Call me wierd, but it is my humble opinion that having a top end sound
> >system in an automobile, at least, in one moving at the rate Yer Kindly ol' 
> >Unka Bart normally moves, is either a complete waste of money, or a serious 
> >threat to the safety of all. 

> and a system that sounds screechy and horrible if you turn it up loud enough  
> to hear over the engine and road is much safer, right? 

Hmmmmm...  My own wierd, if not actually "humble" opinion is that if one has 
to turn it up loud enough to overdrive the amp and speakers to overcome the
engine and road noise,  one is going fast enough to require 100% of one's 
attention to the business of driving and the sound system should be turned off.

On the other hand, one could always slow down to the point that the problem is 

> bart, imho you're wierd!  =8) 

Alas, all too true.  And I'm easily amused, to boot.

> maybe that top end sound system is loud enough to drown out the kids -        
> now that's a safety feature!  =8)

Now that, mon ami, *DOES* make sense!  Yer Kindly ol' Unka Bart, on the other 
hand, has always subscribed to the old saw that "children should be seen and not

Yer Kindly ol' Unka Bart