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RE: Lastest "EUROPEAN CAR" has lame A8 article
I was also distinctly underwhelmed by that article.
I do think the car is a technological tour de force, but it's not
showing it (not to those not in the know, at least). I prefer it that
way, but status conscious luxo barge buyers may not and those are the
ones Audi has to convince to make it worth it to keep the car here as
anything but a showcase flagship.
The comparison tests seem to run in cycles. The A4 showed up in a lot in
the last year or so, but apparently it's now old news. Gotta shift those
rags, you know.
- peter
former subscriber to C&D, Automobile and MT (give me a break - it was
<$10/12 issues)
current and keeping R&T and AutoWeek
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Sheffield Corey [SMTP:SHEF@omdc.gso.uri.edu]
>Sent: Thursday, October 31, 1996 12:44 PM
>To: Peter Henriksen
>Subject: RE: Lastest "EUROPEAN CAR" has lame A8 article
>>The list members are in my experience not exactly the target audience
>>for a $57,000-$65,000 car.
>>That said, after my testdrive in an A8 4.2q, I was thinking that if I
>>ever had that much to spend on any one car, this would be it. I'd still
>>rather buy an older 911 and an A4 1.8tq and keep some change, even after
>>modifying the A4, though :-).
>>- peter, peterhe@microsoft.com, issaquah, wa, usa
>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>From: Dave Head [SMTP:dhead@sundial.sundial.net]
>>>We're all excited by the possibilities of the new 1.8T, and 30Vtt S4. How
>>>many OF US are lining up for an A8???
> You're right, Peter. If I had $65 big ones burnin' a hole in my pocket
>I'd put it toward a nice sloop...unless, of course, I hit the lottery for 65
>million or more, but then I'd probably just get a bigger sailboat and
>need a car very often anyway:-)
> What got me about the article were things like: any A4 owner would
>recognize the interior, with the exception of Nappa leather and a nice
>aluminium shift gate they are practically the same. This is not a direct
>but this is the "feel" I got from the author's remarks. I think the A8 has
>the ante for the "benchmark" of the luxocars. The author, to me, thinks it's
>nice technological exercise at best...Again, that's just how I read the
> The list was talking about camparo's the other day, I've noticed
>recently that in most of the comparison tests I seen Audis are mysteriously
>missing from the different classes of vehicles into which they fall...Are the
>US mags still holdin' a grudge??
> Happy motoring,
> Shef