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Re: Jack Stands and Stupidity

> I might be stupid

yep ;-)   btdt many times, but not any more.

I had a car fall off the jack once while i was putting (the cheap little 
sheet metal) stands under it. Somehow the stand got knocked over as the 
car was falling, and the subframe mashed the stand to about 3/4" tall. 

> There are four jack points on the Audis, right?
> So...when you use one of them to jack the car, and want to put it on jack
> stands, where do you put the jack stand?  

'86 4ks (and your 5ks and 100)
Front:  jack under subframe (don't catch the anti-roll bar), stands under 
jack points, both sides at once 
Rear:  jack at the outside edge of the rear axle right next to the tire, 
put stand under jack point (must do one side at a time :-(  )  do not try 
to jack at the center of the rear axle cuz you'll wreck it.
Jack the rear first because the car moves side-to-side while you're working 
back there. Then the front just goes straight up.

'87 4kcsq (and your '86)
front:  jack under subframe (don't catch the anti-roll bar), stands under 
jack points, both sides at once
rear:  jack under subframe, stands under jack points, both sides at once

I always lower the car until it's supported on the stands, but leave the 
jack under the lifting point. I then wiggle the car a little to check its 
security on the stands; if it falls, hopefully the jack will catch it and 
the stands won't go through the floor pan or something. I'll remove the 
jack once the car is stable, _and_ if i need the space for working (who 
said last week "a belt with suspenders . . .)

You may have to shim the fourth jackpoint, with a board or such, depending 
on how smooth your work surface is (my driveway and garage are ASSphalt) to 
get the car to touch it. Also take precautions to keep the jack/stands from 
sinking in if you're on asphalt or dirt.

> Anybody else out there working w/o jack stands?

not for long . . .

Seriously, we take enough risks flogging these cars around the twisties and 
sharing the road with most (barely-licensed) murkin drivers. Please take 
simple measures to reduce risk at other times:  jacks stands, safety 
glasses when grinding, don't walk down dark alleys, remember your 
anniversary, etc.


James Marriott, BSME
work:  Manchester, NH, USA  marriott@Summa4.COM (603)625-4050 x 2539
home:  Auburn, NH, USA      marriott@grolen.com (603)483-8587

'64 Falcon Sprint Convertible--balanced & blueprinted 260 V-8
    GOES great. Stopping?
'86 4000S        the better half's commuter
'87 4000CSQ      H-stock auto-x und daily driver, Kanc-1 veteran

If ignorance is bliss, then I'm          _____
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