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Re: Jack Stands and Stupi

  conner@cfm.ohio-state.edu writes:                                 

 DC> I might be stupid, or else why would I be asking what seems like such
 DC> a stupid question?
     I'm glad you mentioned it first..JUST KIDDING....if you're the
     proprietor of an Audi you really can't be the "S" word.

 DC> There are four jack points on the Audis, right?

     How observant you are.

 DC> So...when you use one of them to jack the car, and want to put it on
 DC> jack stands, where do you put the jack stand?  

     If you're only jacking at one point..you could just put the
     jackstand along the outside rocker anywhere. Keep the weight of
     the car on the jack, and put the jack stands anywhere that
     they'll keep the vehicle from falling on you.

     Hell, even placing a jackstand under the oil pan would be
     better than having a car fall on you if the hydraulic jack
     lets go.

 DC> Anybody else out there working w/o jack stands?

     Well, there's one less member of the no jack stands club that
     I know of. A neighbor (well kind of, about 8 blocks away)
     was found in the late evening last spring pinned and
     DEAD under his SAAB after the jack had slipped. According
     to the police, he was probably alive for about 3 hours before
     his girlfriend got tired of calling and decided to go over
     there and see if his phone was working.

     I too (and just about everyone I suspect) has dispensed with
     the jackstands on an occasion or two. But after this incident
     I believe I'll take the extra 20 or 30 seconds it takes to
     throw one under the car.


... The eventual supremacy of reason should be accepted.

 * Blue Wave/QWK v2.20 [NR] *