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Re: Trouble at "Home" (lo

  phwomp@cosmoslink.net writes:                                     

 Me> all the way. I was told that one of the reasons that the crematorium
 Me> oven door is always open in photos is to hide the fact that Porsche was
 Me> the supplier of the ovens.  

     Urban legend at best, having seen several camps, the crematorium
     have plaques on them that read "Topf and Sonne" or some such

   I don't think this is the place for this discussion, it's part
   of German history, has very little or nothing to do with
   contemporary German Machinery such as Audi and Mercedes. There
   are many alternative newsgroups and mailing litsts for this type
   of discussion. (I thoroughly enjoy the WWII topic and all it's
   facets but won't go on because it's inappropriate to this list.)




... Everybody is ignorant, only on different subjects.

 * Blue Wave/QWK v2.20 [NR] *