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86 5KCSTQ-jumped timing update
Thanks to all who responded to my post. i did eventually find the TDC
mark on the flywheel and found my timing belt off by 1 tooth. So I
slipped it off and rotated the cam 1 tooth and slid it back on. Now
the car ran great....WRONG!!!
The adjustment did nothing to help it run better. So my last resort
was a compression test. The results were most interesting: Cylinders
2-5 were within 1 psi of each other at 105 psi. The kicker was #1
which had a whopping 0 (yes zero) psi reading!!
Well, this thrills me to no end. So last night I pulled the valve
cover off hoping to find a stuck/collapsed lifter. Oh well,
everything looks fine. So I hooked up a compressed air fitting to the
cylinder and made sure that the valves were closed and found the air
rushing out the exhaust pipe. Looks like a burned/bent exhaust
So the head comes off tonight to confirm and rebuild. I thought this
kind of stuff didn't happen to Audis??? The engine has only 96k on it
and has led a very easy existence. I want to know why I cooked a
valve. Usually its related to ignition timing/retard. Could my
system be ignoring knock or not adjusting timing accordingly? I did
find my WOT switch to be non functioning..any suggestions??
My usual instinct to sell a vehicle that becomes a PITA is screaming
at me right now. I've spent big money on suspension and wheels and
tires (not to mention the $1000+ on a/c, fuel pump, heater core, etc).
Unfortunately I'm past the point of no return and will fix it and
MAYBE actually drive it this winter. I've had the car since March and
have only managed to put 2k miles on it!! My ex 89 Peugeot 405 Mi16
looks like a Toyota Tercel for reliability compared to this thing! If
it weren't for you Q-listers like Graydon who has encouraged me a bit
through my frustration, I would be history and would by an old Subaru
if I want 4 wheel drive.
Thanks again everybody. I hope the Audi gods do not rain on you as
they do on me:-)
Brian Vinson
86 5KCSTQ ---very sick car with owner on the brink of homAUDIcide...